The Power of the Temple

**Originally posted in 2014

When we were stationed at Yokota Air Base near Tokyo Japan, our branch would go to the temple the first Friday of each month. We would meet at 4:15 pm to head into Tokyo. That was a little earlier than the normal workday ended, so it was always a stress getting to the meeting point on time. One particular day was especially crazy, and as I left things were anything but calm both in our home and in my heart. I began to question if this was really the best thing for us to do. Perhaps we shouldn’t go each month, or maybe we should take turns going so one of us was staying home with the kids. That day as I sat in the temple it was on my mind as I pondered throughout the session. I had an experience and some very strong spiritual impressions that came to me to let me know that there was NOTHING I could do that would bless my family more than being at the temple.

From a logical point of view that really makes no sense. Why wotokyo-japan-temple-lds-736269-high-res-printuld getting away from my children be something that would help them so much? Wouldn’t spending time with them, reading to them or playing with them be a better use of time? Often in the gospel the things that would seem to make sense don’t always work that way. In fact, part of the test of our faith is seeing if we will follow the counsel of our leaders and the Lord when it doesn’t make sense to our limited minds. The amazing thing is, that the commandments are given to us simply to bless our lives and as we are obedient wonderful things happen. President Harold B. Lee said, “The only place on earth where we can receive the fullness of the blessings of the priesthood is in the holy temple. That is the only place where, through holy ordinances, we can receive that which will qualify us for exaltation in the celestial kingdom.” There is something about the temple that is different than any other place on earth. The temple is a place of power.

President Ezra Taft Benson said, “When you attend the temple and perform the ordinances that pertain to the house of the Lord, certain blessing will come to you: You will receive the spirit of Elijah, which will turn your hearts to your spouse, to your children, and to your forebears. You will love your family with a deeper love than you have loved before. You will be endowed with power from on high as the Lord has promised.”

Elder Richard H. Winkel taught, “When you come to the temple you will love your family with a deeper love than you have ever felt before. The temple is about families.”

Since that wonderful day at the Tokyo Temple, I have had a firm testimony that attending the temple will bring spiritual power not only to me but also to my children. The spirit of Elijah is real, it turns hearts of family members to each other. As a couple we have put temple attendance as a top priority. It has strengthened our marriage and I have no doubt it has strengthened our family and given our children an added measure of protection and power. I have no doubt those blessings will continue as our children grow and have families of their own. I love the temple!

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